Friday, August 28, 2009

Task 2: TSL 641 Article Review



Journal: Language Learning & Technology - Vol. 8, No. 1, January 2004, pp. 66-82
Authors and background: Regine Hampel and Mirjam Hauck (The Open University, United
i. Dr. Regine Hampel joined the Open University in 2000. She is a lecturer in German in the Faculty of Education and Language Studies' Department of Languages. Her current research focuses on theoretical and practical issues around online tuition and the use of technologies such as audio-graphic conferencing or Instant Messaging in language courses.
ii. Mirjam Hauck is a German lecturer in the Department of Languages at the Open University in the UK. She joined the university in 1996 and has been involved in research into online applications for Second Language Acquisition such as audio-graphic conferencing and Instant Messaging tools since 1997. Her current research focuses on the relevance of meta-cognitive knowledge acquisition and self-management strategies instruction in virtual language learning spaces.


Lyceum is an Internet-based audio-graphics conferencing tool had been used for online tutorials for language courses since February 2002 at the Open University. It is a necessity to deal with the challenge of students spread over the United Kingdom and around Western Europe by using Internet-based, real-time audio conferencing. It is thus turn into a revolution in the distance learning and teaching of languages. The research is based on the first Open University course ever to deliver tutorials online and also by looking at the challenges of implementing it. Firstly, the article looked at the pedagogical rationale behind the virtual learning and teaching environment. After that, the article looked at the process of development and implementation of online tuition in terms of activity design, tutor training, and student support. To gather information and data, a lot of methodological tools such as logbooks, questionnaires, and observations were used. The findings of this paper stress on the difficulty of management and instruction structure which contributes to the effective use of online tuition via audio conferencing systems in distance learning.

The aims of the research: to see the effectiveness of using audio conferencing in distance learning and also the challenges.

The methodology: It is a qualitative and also quantitative research. Testing of Lyceum was carried out online with a cohort of 15 volunteers in four 75- minute sessions: an induction into the software, a set of two tutorials, and a debriefing session. The authors acted as tutors and as online observers. Students used their own computers at home and connected to the conference via a modem. Some of those 15 students also agreed to come to campus for the testing of the Web site, and they were observed face to face.

The subject/sample: Students

The findings of the research: The findings show that in general, the participants were able to use the website successfully to understand the task they had been set. However, some specific issues emerged concerning navigation and the format and nature of the Lyceum tutorial such as preparation and contribution by participants. Students also expressed concern about preparing for Lyceum activities by using Web material.

The major ideas the author is trying to get across:
a) The challenges of implementing online tuition.
b) pedagogical rationale underpinning the virtual learning and teaching environment
c) the process of development and implementation of online tuition in terms of activity design, tutor training, and student support


I do feel that this research is interesting. I think that it’ll be wonderful to really use audio conferencing teaching and learning this is especially can be done when it involves distance learning so that the teaching and learning can be done at home and students don’t have to come to class in order to hear lectures and etc. because students are human and going to class is a problem since there might be many obstacle involving coming to class. For example like when it’s raining or the students might get involved in accidents. By having audio conference, students doesn’t have to leave their home and put themselves at risk of the dangers from the outside world and they won’t be missing lectures since it all can be done online. However, the downside of having such online distance learning is students might lose most of their interpersonal skills because they will hardly interact with other human especially with lecturers or teachers. It could also be a problem if the internet experiencing problems or something since it is not really reliable. And the electricity might also get cut down and the internet cannot get through. So, if the audio conference is going to be implemented, such factors need to be considered beforehand.
The research is conducted quite well since the materials used for the research is a good one that is by using Lyceum. However, in my opinion they should put forward more respondents for their testing so that it can be proved further more
As for the implications of the research in our Malaysian context, I think that if audio conference is going to possibly be implemented in Malaysia, it won’t be appropriate for students in school because of the age factors; they thus be needing more nurture and teaching from teachers. However, it can be implemented in higher education because the students can be more reliable in becoming independent learners.



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